Tuesday, September 29, 2009

wow days 10-13...pic overload..lol

Not sure whats happened to the photo here but it shows the nice new scallep gates my hubby out onto the compost bins to keep it looking tidy. How posh do they look...lol
We now have a little shed to keep our tools and more importantly where we can sit and have a nice cup of tea

sorry i didn't realise it had been a month since i last did our gardening blog, so much has happened in the last month

we have made 2 brassica cages...our little polytunnels as we call them....ready for our cabbages etc to go into into away from 2 fat gready pidgeons who seem to attack our vegetables. These tunnels were made out of bamboo canes and mdpe water pipe.

Well we have managed to blag free wood and was able to finish all the beds, paths and edging of the garde. We can now see what space we have the amount of beds we have and how it is going to look next year.

This is the shape in the middle of the garden with paths leading from the shape in the centre, which is currently planted out with winter brassicas....these are to be moved under the polutunnels away from the birds under some wondermesh we purchased from a local company.
i will so a before and after post once i get some new pictures taken....well i will attempt to take some